London, like New York, is also bracing for the possibility of an additional tax next year, with a proposal to charge a mansion tax on properties valued at more than 2 million pounds, Mr. Bailey said. 伦敦和纽约一样,也在考虑明年额外设立一个税种的可能性。有提议说,要对价值超过200万英镑(约合人民币1969万元)的房产征收豪宅税,巴莱如是说。
So I called for an additional tax on the rich. 因此,我呼吁对富人增税。
Notice of Intention to Assess Additional Tax Receipted Demand Note 拟评定补加税的通知书证明税款收讫之缴税通知书
Of course, she must pay some additional charges as taxes to the Tax Administration. 当然,她必须付一些附加费来向税务部门交税。
This is the stuff of dreams for governments, because such multiplier effects are likely to generate additional tax income so that budget deficits decline. 这正是各国政府所梦寐以求的,因为这样的乘数效应可能导致税收收入增加,使得预算赤字下降。
Estimated additional assessable profit Notice of Intention to Assess Additional Tax 估计的补加应评税利润
The additional spending and tax hikes will come as Japan struggles to emerge from a long period of economic stagnation. 在日本政府增强预算和提高税收的同时,日本正在努力摆脱长期经济停滞不前的困境。
An additional tax on certain kinds of income that has already been taxed. 在已经交纳税款的收入上附加征收的费用。
America, whose petrol use comprises about half of its crude oil consumption, could do the same, while rebating the additional tax collections to consumers. 美国的汽油消费占其原油总消费的一半左右,美国可以仿效英国的做法,同时将增加的税收返还给消费者。
Notice of Assessment and Demand for Additional Tax 评定及缴纳补加税款通知书
And if we want to talk about oil company profits, under your tax plan, John this is undeniable oil companies would get an additional$ 4 billion in tax breaks. 如果我们要谈谈石油公司的利润,在你的税收计划下,约翰(麦凯恩)你否认不了石油公司将得到额外40亿美元的减税。
A comprehensive solution by EDAPS has a proven track-record of overcoming these obstacles and generating billions of dollars in additional tax revenue. EDAPS公司提供的综合解决方案经过证明的记录,能克服这些障碍,产生额外的数十亿美元税收。
Obama has called for reforming individual income taxes and corporate taxes, saying he wants to eliminate special interest tax breaks and use the additional revenue to lower overall tax rates. 奥巴马倡议改革个人所得税和公司税,他说希望取消特别利息税减免,用附加税收降低整体税率。
Acable for cost impact due to delayed declaration of VAT other kinds of additional tax. 对不能及时进行增值税及其附加税的纳税申报所造成的经济损失负责;
Many Korean American merchants requested such a sign because limited English speaking merchants were not able to clearly explain to consumers about the additional sales tax. 许多韩裔美籍商人均需要这个标志,因为他们的英语能力有限,无法清楚地向消费者解释此项额外销售税。
Additional Tax Demand Note 缴纳补加税罚款通知书;缴纳补加税款通知书
If you are entitled to additional emoluments giving rise to further tax liabilities after tax clearance, you and your employer have to go through the tax clearance process again. 倘若你在清税后可获雇主发放额外薪酬而须缴纳额外税款,你和你的雇主均须再次履行清税手续。
My officer finally came back to collect the money for a new visa, as well as some additional tax. 我面对的警察最终走回来,向我收取办理新签证的费用和一笔额外的税款。
Exporters 'contracts, for example, often contain agreements to share any additional tax burden; besides, strong output numbers show previous rebate cuts proved pretty ineffectual. 例如,钢铁出口商签订的出口合同通常包括一些条款,要求对方分担任何额外的税收负担;此外,强劲的产量数据表明,此前实施的减少出口退税的措施实在没有什么效果。
You just want to add an additional tax cut over the loopholes. 只是想在那些(免税)漏洞上(向富人)提供更多的减税。
Notice of Intention to Assess Additional Tax 拟评定补加税的通知书
But President Bush has opposed additional tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies and called for more spending on renewable energy and conservation. 但是布什总统却反对给石油公司额外的税收暂停征收和补助,要求可再生能源和保护上投入更多的资金。
The government said this week it will cut salaries and profits tax rates, as well as reimburse low-income earners, in order to ease the additional tax burden created by the GST. 但政府说将会减低薪俸税和利得税的税率,以及向低入息人士给予补偿,以便纾缓销售税所造成的额外税项负担。
The optimal tax theory holds that goods that lack flexibility in demand should be imposed more taxes in order to reduce additional burdens of tax income. 最优商品税理论声称,应当对需求较缺乏弹性的商品课以较重的税收,以减少税收的额外负担。
This paper researches the effect of real estate market by real estate additional tax, government allowance and administrative policy by economic theory, and puts forward the advices. 本文应用经济学学理研究了房地产附加税、政府补贴和行政手段干预对房地产市场的影响,并给出了指导性的建议。
The Economic Analysis of the Effect of Real Estate Additional Tax on Real Estate Market 房地产附加税对房地产市场影响经济学分析
Adjusted and improved hospital profit tax policy, exempt from business tax and additional; lower income tax rates; adopted special policies to specific uniform tax standards and methods. 4. 调整和完善营利性医院的税收政策,免征营业税及其附加;降低所得税税率;制定专门政策明确统一税收标准和办法。
In aspect of tax burden, Main analyses the effect of transition of VAT type on VAT 、 urban maintenance and construction tax 、 the additional cost of education and income tax of manufacturing enterprise. 在税负方面,主要分析了增值税转型对制造业的增值税、城市维护建设税、教育费附加和企业所得税的税负影响。
Based on the results of researching double dividend effects of fuel tax, this paper finds that when the additional tax revenue was subsidized to factors income where lessening distortion in the factor market, the effects of both dividends are highly significant. 燃油税率的双重红利研究中发现,当新增税收完全补贴给要素收入,减少要素市场扭曲时,第一重红利和第二重红利的效果均非常显著。